Welcome to MVST, Anton!

Welcome to MVST, Anton!

Our development team counts a new member! 🚀  Please give our new MVST family member Anton a warm welcome!

Today we would like to introduce you to Anton, who becomes a new member of our MVST family today! We are so happy that you are part of our great team and wish you all the best for your new chapter.

To get to know our new employee we collected some facts...

About Anton

  • Full Name: Anton Wyrowski
  • Home country: Germany 🇩🇪
  • Location: Team Munich 🇩🇪
  • Position: Fullstack Developer Working Student

Tell us a little bit about your background

I grew up and went to school in Bonn, Germany. Thanks to my father's Computer science knowledge I started programming and especially building apps early in school. Programming and working with computers became a great passion of mine early on and it quickly became clear to me that I want to study computer science. Now I've just finished my 6th semester at TUM and I'm aiming to write my bachelor's thesis next semester. It was always important for me not only to focus my whole time on the relatively theoretical studies but also to work on my own more practice-oriented projects on the side. Among other things, I founded the startup One Dollar Movement with a friend in 2019, with which we developed an app (iOS and Android) to donate to charity organizations quickly and effortlessly. Moreover, in the last semester, I worked as a working student at Chargd. where I supported the development of their app and backend.

How did you find out about MVST?

I already got a LinkedIn message in 2020, but was still busy with my startup at the time. A few weeks ago, when I was looking for cool, open working student positions in Munich, I remembered MVST and applied.

What was your main reason for choosing the Fullstack Development position at MVST?

It's important to me that the projects I work on have a cool, minimalistic design and are developed using modern, state-of-the art technology. During my first interview, but also when looking at the MVST website, I quickly realized that this was exactly the case for MVST.