MVST x buycycle: Cycling Towards Success

MVST x buycycle: Cycling Towards Success

Secondhand, thrifting, re-usable materials - these trends have dominated markets for several years and will certainly do so in the future. Sustainable concepts are not only in demand in the fashion or food industry but also in mobility. That's where buycycle comes to play!

At buycyle, you can sell and buy used bicycles of high quality and, above all, at good prices. Packaging, delivery and payment โ€“ buycycle takes over these steps, so you can enjoy a carefree experience and sell your bicycle globally!

Cycling is not just a sport, it's a passion. When you ride a bicycle, it's not just about getting from A to B, it's about enjoying the movement and living the moment! High-quality bicycles are a real game changer for enthusiastic cyclists. Buying and selling bicycles and giving them a second life is an idea that we absolutely loved from the very first second.

An amazing idea needs an amazing digital product! Take a quick trip through the products we previously built and the ones that will be launched very soon for buycycle.

MVST x buycycle

From the moment buycycle got in touch with MVST, we had an amazing bond with their Co-Founders Jonas Jaeger, Florian Senoner, Theo Golditchuk, and their CTO Myasnik Manvelyan! โœจ

Everyone involved worked super closely together. This product was a high priority - not just for buycycle but also for us of course! This close collaboration has produced some great digital products. But first, we wanted to know what their aims and vision were with buycycle.

The Product Concept

Together with the buycycle team, we worked out how the new virtual presence should look and function. We instantly knew that we wanted their website to look agile and fit buycycle's love for bikes. We then together decided that a native mobile app in addition to the existing tool makes the most sense as it is the right fit for their current product lineup and the stage of their business.

As we got started, we took over the whole process, enabling buycycle to focus on their existing products and operations, steering them away from the distractions of the fast-paced startup world.

The MVST Team

Our Co-Founder Niklas put in his expertise and strategic thinking, as Product Manager, Shira made sure there was a seamless collaboration between the teams at all times, our Head Designer Joshua created a unique and flowing look with other Designers Victoria and Maiela ensuring user experience and an engaging interface. Our Fullstack Developers Mathias, Xavier, and Pau brought the design to life and paved the way to the finished product in a technical way.

Buycycle's dedicated MVST team photos, names and roles
Buycycle's dedicated MVST team

UX/UI Design

Our design concept is very performance-oriented and customer-centered, ensuring that buycycle's users find at first glance what they are looking for without taking unnecessary extra steps.

As we built the mobile app, we had one goal for buycycle's design system: buycycle is quick and easy - providing a satisfying user experience!

The Mobile App

As we solidify buycycle's digital ecosystem, the design considerations and functionalities for our newly developed mobile app were meticulously aligned with their existing website, ensuring a harmonious user experience across platforms.

The buycycle mobile app
The buycycle mobile app

It's always fun and exciting to build digital products from scratch! MVST proudly built buycycle's first mobile app for both iOS and Android, seamlessly integrating it with their backend, CRM, and marketing cloud for an optimized workflow.

The buycycle mobile app
The buycycle mobile app

The buycycle users were waiting for the app to launch, which gave us and our partner an amazing feeling. We also made sales within the first week directly via the app and saw steady GMV growth through the app. A special feature of the app: In the Bike Pass you can enter all data of your bicycle, save photos, and share them within just a few clicks!


The app was built with Flutter and is therefore available for both Android and iOS in one, whereby we took the native features into account in each case.

Launching soon: The Web Retail App

We are working on a new web app for buycycle: The Retail App! The aim here is to provide a platform for commercial bike resellers. We are super excited to keep things going and see where the journey takes buycycle with our new products!

The basic idea of the Web App is to get a complete overview of all bikes, meaning all bicycles:

  • listed
  • in shipping
  • sold
  • inactive
  • in review
  • and drafts.

To make the idea come to life we planned out the needed deliverables for developing the app:

  • Workshops involving founders, commercial team, and product team to brainstorm the scope and strategies for building the Retail App.
  • Extensive user research, engaging with existing and potential dealers to gather insights and requirements.
  • Analysis of the research's outcome to make informed decisions about the product's scope.
  • Wireframes and mockups to visualize the app's interface and functionality.
  • Pixel-perfect designs to ensure a polished and intuitive user experience.
The buycycle web retail app
The buycycle web retail app

Our collaboration with buycycle exemplifies the transformative potential of user-centric design and strategic innovation. Through meticulous attention to detail, seamless integration of design principles, and a relentless focus on user experience, we've crafted digital platforms that embody buycycle's commitment to excellence.

The Collaboration Milestones and Achievements

The work with buycycle is fun and creative, we are super happy to have such great partners with whom we were able to achieve great milestones:

  • Over 17k bikes on buycycle - all available in the brand-new app
  • 4.9 user star rating in the Apple App Store
  • Over 100k downloads in just the first month

We can't wait to show the world what MVST x buycycle is releasing next. So stay tuned!

Our Partner Shares His Experience

Let's hear what Jonas Jaeger, co-founder of buycycle says about our amazing collaboration!